
Summer 2015


Mondays/Wednesdays/Saturdays: Heated Yoga Fusion (Forrest Yoga). Each class starts with slow warm-up work, including pranayama and a strength-building core work sequence, before moving into a series of long-held poses culminating in an apex pose. A slightly heated room (80-82 degrees) gently but effectively opens the body while flushing toxins and stress. Each class is built around an intention, adding a layer of emotional process work to the invigorating physical practice. These classes are challenging but open to all levels; all that is required is an ability to breathe deeply and respond authentically. Individual modifications and hands-on assists will be offered to all. M/W 7:45-9:15pm; Saturday 1:30-3pm at Yoga In the Heights, 317 Central Ave., Jersey City, NJ.

Tuesdays: Open Level Hot Vinyasa 9:30-10:30am at Surya Yoga Academy, 79 Hudson St., Hoboken, New Jersey.

Sundays: Yin Yoga, 3-4:30pm at Reflections Yoga, 227 E. 24th St. (betw. 2nd & 3rd Aves.), NYC

Follow @LolaRephann for last-minute sub assignments and 140-character missives

Healing Yoga Circle: a regular semi-private Forrest Yoga practice and community gathering (Sundays in July & August)


Dec. 19-26, 2016 at Anamaya Resort, Montezuma, Costa Rica. More information to come! This will be my second time returning to Anamaya to lead a retreat, and it’s during holiday week! What better way to spend holidays than rejuvenating and relaxing in paradise, atop a cloud forest mountainside in magical Montezuma?! Bring the whole family.


Saturday August 8th

yoga back bends safely

Deepen Your Back Bending Practice Safely, a workshop at Reflections Yoga on Saturday, August 8 from 2-4pm

DEEPEN YOUR BACK BENDING PRACTICE SAFELY: A two-hour workshop on back-bending safely leading to more advanced back bends including wheel, wheel drop backs, and viparita dandasana. Good for intermediate students beginning to explore wheel or those with an existing intermediate back bend practice ready to go to the next level. You will learn how the spine moves into extension (back bending), how to prepare the body for deeper back bends, how to warm down from back bending, common misalignments and habits, and some tips on sequencing for back bending in a home practice. Saturday August 8th from 2-4pm at Reflections Yoga, NYC. Register via, $35 advance, $40 day of.

Sundays in July & August
Twice monthly two-hour Forrest Yoga Healing Circle. Sundays 7/12, 7/26, 8/9, 8/23 from 5pm-7pm at Reflections Yoga, 227 E. 24th St., NYC.

PRIVATE YOGA INSTRUCTION (Jersey City, New Jersey and New York City)

Traditionally, yoga was not taught in group classes but handed down from teacher to student one-on-one.

Private instruction may be best for you if:

  • you are new to yoga
  • you are very busy and cannot attend group classes
  • you seek consistency and want to work with one person who will come to know and understand you and your body
  • you are not resonating with the experience in group class. Perhaps it feels competitive or you feel you are pushing too hard
  • you prefer your practice to be private and held in the comfort of your own home
  • you feel like you have reached a plateau in your practice or you need a new perspective on certain poses or your practice overall
  • you are recovering from injury or any other special condition which requires greater observation of your practice

All yogis, whether brand new beginners or seasoned, can benefit from the individual attention in private yoga instruction!

I will tailor private sessions to the needs of each person. Some of the areas we can focus on include alignment, body awareness, anatomy, energetic focus (chakras and meridian theory), improving range of motion, or cellular release. I teach yoga in Jersey City, New Jersey and New York City, and specialize in Forrest Yoga, alignment-based vinyasa yoga, and Yin Yoga. I can incorporate any of these approaches into a personally designed private yoga session.

I also teach pranayama (breath work) and offer instruction and guidance in meditation. I also offer Thai Massage sessions, which are glorious combined with a regular yoga practice! I offer all my students package discounts and special offers for loyalty and consistency!

For more information about designing a private yoga curriculum, please contact me! I am also available as a yoga coach to meet with you either in person or via Skype, Google Chat, telephone, or any other way we can be in contact. Namaste.

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